The craziness is back!! Season 3 of Love & Hip/Hop Atlanta premiered last night on VH1 and oooh baby child was it good! Here's a quick recap on err-e-won:
MiMi- Well, we all know about the sex tape and some of us have been naughty enough to watch all of it. For those who somehow may not know about the sex tape, guess what? THERE'S A SEX TAPE! And it's not of Mimi and Stevie J!! It's actually of Mimi and Nikko, that one dude that nobody liked. So that's out and keeping her current.
JoSeline- The Bitch is back! She looks great and her attitude is just as hot! She snagged her man, Stevie J, and is supposedly officially married. But don't mistake her ring as a sign of domestication, she's still same ol' Joseline; ready to fight at any given moment for her respect and truth.
SteVie J.- Creeper man of the century is still creepy! Still giving those looks of creep and acting dumb as hell. However, he seems to be standing by his boo Joseline 100% which is a nice change of attitude from the man we thought would never settle down.
LiL' Scrappy- Your boi still hasn't learned his lesson. He's got himself a new boo named Bambi but is still making the same mistakes. Introducing women to Momma like she's about to play fair, I don't know what he's thinking. Oh that's right, he's not! His mindset this season- I want a relationship but I don't want to be on a ball and chain. Oh Scrappy, when will you learn that relationships don't work that way.
MoMMa Dee- The Queen has entered the room and you shall bow! Momma Dee is back on fire like the fire was never turned off. First on-screen scene, she calls Bambi a whore. Welp, some things don't change and Momma Dee will always reign Queen of the Kingdom.
RaSheeda- A proud new mommy! Baby Carter is a chubby, happy, baby boy and Rasheeda a happy mother. Congrats! And even more congrats for keeping Kirk in a different room on a whole different floor for acting beyond a fool last season. Maybe they'll work things out....or maybe she'll do better :)
KirK- Speaking of the devil...he's fine. Still acting stupid and demanding a paternity test as if his dick wasn't straying. Don't get me started on that foolishness!
And let's not forget THE NEWBIES!
BamBi- Lil' Scrappy's new boo thang. She's got some jumps on her and a pretty face. However, I don't think she's ready for Momma Dee's aggressiveness and her insecurities could lead her out the door.
WaKa FlocKa- SO MUCH HYPE!! Ha, I'm so excited to see Mr. Turn Down For Nothing on my weekly screen. Let's see how much drama Waka can hype up.
TaMMy- Meet Waka Flocka's FIANCE. They've been together for 3 years and she's been through it all with him, meaning the hoe's and extracurricular that come with the rap game. She's pretty, but honestly, she's not anything extraordinary. Like, she looks like this one chick I went to high school with that has like 2 kids....
So, yes, the crew is back and living loud and full of drama! What a great way to start each weeks, with the ratchets, whores, pimps and then some. I'll be sure to give a recap of each episode as I'm sure this season will be filled with everything but quietness and respect. I wouldn't have it any other way!

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