HBO's new show "The Leftovers" has gotten some pretty heavy press time. I figured I'd check it out to see if the first episode actually lived up to its hype.

Well, to cut a short story shorter, it was AIGHT. Honestly, the first episode didn't give away too much. There's several people around the world who just disappeared one day. POOF! GONE! The pets have gone feral but other than that, day to day events continue. Nobody seems to know or understand why these people were chosen. It's not religious; as one man put it, a woman who abused her children was one of the chosen. It's been about 3 years since it happened and not much has changed it seems in the small town that the first episode focused on. I'm hoping we get to see other cities such as some major cities as the season continues. There's also a cult that has formed where they don't speak to anyone but they protest a lot including during the anniversary gala in town. Not much has been said about this group of people other than the fact that no one in town cares for them or respects them much.
And that's it folks! Like I said, not much information was given during this first episode. It was more of a meet and greet your recurring characters. If the producers and writers wanted to keep audiences coming back for more, they've succeeded. I think this show will play out in the same flow as "Under the Dome". For those of you who don't watch that, be prepared for slow and steady dialogue and action. I think this could be a great show, it'll just take some time to get there.